Dog Policy
Prospect Mountain Dog Policy
At Prospect Mountain we recognize that many skiers and snowshoers enjoy the company of their dogs while out on the trails. We also know that not everyone feels the same way and that dogs can be detrimental to trails and pose risks to skiers when not properly managed.
While many areas have banned dogs in recent years, Prospect is happy to continue to allow limited numbers of our four-legged friends out on our trails so long as the following guidelines are followed.
- Dogs are only allowed on ski trails to the left/north of the base area lodge, including the private property at Greenwood Acres, Al’s, Will’s Sweep, and Shae’s and Smoothbore. All snowshoe trails are open to dogs. (Ask for highlighted map of dog friendly trails at the Ski Shop.)
- Walking on trails without skis or showshoes is not permitted, with or without dogs.
- All dogs must be handheld leashed at all times.
- Dogs are never allowed in the Base Lodge or Nancy’s Nook.
- Dog owners should yield to other skiers and be able to control their leashed dogs at all times.
- You must pick up after your dog and dispose of dog waste at the dog waste station at Nany’s Nook. DO NOT LEAVE WASTE BAGS ON THE TRAILS.
- Please consider bringing your dog at less crowded times – e.i. early in the morning or mid week.
- Failure to follow these rules could result in loss of skier or snowshoer privileges.
Our sense of community is one of the things that make Prospect such a special place and we believe that dogs can help contribute to that sense of belonging. Continuation of this dog friendly policy, however, is dependent on dog owners following these guidelines and exercising good judgement. Thank you for making the Prospect experience a good one for dogs, skiers and snowshoers alike by following these rules and checking for updates as this policy will be continually assessed and updated as circumstances require.